Graduate of the International Shiloh Shepherd Association's Breeders Training program and mentored by Vanessa Dutton of Guardian Kennels
Heath testing of course! All Breeding Shilohs must pass hip/elbow assesments for Canine Hip dysplasia (CHD) through OFA or PennHip prior to becoming part of our breeding program. We also require all "Pet quality" Shilohs from Wilderness Kennel's to have their Hip's/elbow's X-rayed. 12-16 months of age for males, and female's are to be X-rayed between 18-24 months. (Wilderness Kennel's will reimburse OFA charges.)

Holter Monitoring at 6 Months of Age!
German Shepherd Dog Inherited Ventricular Arrhythmia (GSDIVA), is an inherited heart condition that can cause sudden death in Shiloh Shepherd puppies. This is a DEVASTATING disease! That is deeply rooted in the foundation lines of all shilohs alive today. Before becoming a Shiloh Breeder, I personally witness a confirmed GSDIVA death, of a devastatingly handsome young Shiloh Shepherd. His memory is what drives me to always do the absolute best by my own dog's (and their descendants) and take this invisible killer very seriously! Because of this life-changing experience, the Holter monitoring of EVERY Shiloh shepherd puppy produced at, or by , Wilderness Kennel's is absolutely mandatory via our contract. But don't worry its an easy test where your puppy simply wares the heart monitor vest for a period of 24 hours. We will mail you the holter, and cover the cost of submitting the data results.
We are on the right path to overcoming this illness in the breed, but we NEED the help of all our puppy buyers, to reach our dream of a GSDIVA free future!
Degenerative Myelopathy
All our own dogs are 100% clear of degenerative myelopathy by parentage. But in rare cases, where a stud is a confirmed a carrier, Wilderness Kennels will test the entire litter before they are matched to there new families at 8 weeks. Even in Breedings with males that are confirmed carriers, I assure you there is no chance of a puppy being physically affected by this horrible illness. Since degenerative Myelopathy requires two copies of this gene for the condition to manifest.
Biodiversity Management Project!
All our puppies are DNA tested with Betterbred as soon as they are born to confirm parentage, as well as their unique biodiversity value within the breed. We are striving with every generation to lower COI's while maintaining the old Shiloh lines. Sometimes in rare cases, a male puppy has been sold to a "Pet" home will be included in our genetic diversity project. Included in the contracts for these special boys will be a clause to have the dog's sperm frozen at 16-18 months of age. (Dependant on the results of OFA/PennHip, and Holter Monitoring.) Sperm freezing will be paid by, and property of Wilderness Kennels. (This is a great opportunity to get a beautiful show quality male for a "pet" price!)